covid info
In order for face to face lessons to continue, the following precautions are in place:
Only arrive at your lesson time - please wait outside the studio until you are invited in by the teacher.
Only one student is allowed in the studio at a time.
Parents of singing students are not to attend lessons with their children. Contact with the teacher can be done before or after lessons from outside the studio.
Parents of children having SEND music lessons can attend sessions whilst being aware of social distancing measures and wearing a mask.
Singing students will remain behind the social distancing line and behind the plastic shield for the entire lesson.
All visitors will sanitise their hands when entering the studio with the hand sanitising facilities provided.
All visitors to the studio will have their temperature taken using a non-contact thermometer on arrival.
Water, vocal tubes/straws and pencils will not be provided. Please bring your own.
It is compulsory to remove outdoor shoes on entering the studio, you can bring slippers or alternative clean footwear if you wish.
The toilet will only be used in absolute emergencies.
If the circumstances of your health changes or you test positive for Coronavirus or you have come into contact with someone who tests positive for Coronavirus, please inform Emily immediately.
Please see the latest Government Guidance here
Let's stay safe by working together.