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Music in Isolation

Writer's picture: emilytullyemilytully

As we all respond to these strange times by isolating ourselves and enjoying some family time together, it can

be difficult to keep everyone in the family entertained.

Why not try some of the activities and websites below to give you a little musical inspiration?

What are your favourite songs? - Find your favourite songs on Youtube, sing along, sing along and clap along.

Find instruments in your house – Find things in your house that make a sound and create your own band, pots and pans, pencils, utensils, water, etc.

Play to the beat – Put a song on Youtube or sing a song with your family, clap, tap, click or bang something to the beat, can you follow the beat? Can you stay in time? Can you start to add your own rhythms over the song?

Singing and Signing- Sing and sign with singing hands

Sounds of Intent - has lot of ideas on how to interact musically with your children

Amber Trust – Create an Amber Trust account and you can access all their songs and activities for free

Play Musical Instruments Online -

Enjoy playing music together and keeping safe.

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